Our educational plan takes roots in our Christian vision of humanity. It implies believing in :
- God created mankind in his own image
- Mankind can love and be loved
- There is something sacred in each of us that we deeply respect and value
Be attentive to everyone
To welcome
- First day of class, the priest is here to welcome the students
- The Priest is here during the parents/teachers meetings
- New staff and teachers are welcomed
- A specific and friendly place
To listen
- Always someone at the chaplaincy
- Listening to people suffering or in difficulty
To help
- Making contact and receiving solidarity projects (like food bank for example)
An opportunity to think
To take a step back
- The way we see ourselves
- Wondering about the world (based on society facts)
To develop
- Organizing meetings and debates
To share
- Conviviality time
- To enrich ourselves with testimonies and associations meetings
A proposal of the Faith
To gather
- Preparation for the Lourdes pilgrimage
- Preparation for the Via crucis
To testify
- Testimony from the Lourdes pilgrimage
- Back-to-school Celebration
- Christmas Celebration
- Lourdes pilgrimage
- Via crucis
- Holy Thursday Celebration